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Laws of Success to Follow When Laying the Foundation for Your Business

Do you feel that you lack the wisdom to understand and embrace the way the world works at times? I understand and I have felt like this in the past. Many of my clients also have this feeling and you are not alone! Many intuitive, creative and spiritual women tend to feel a bit lost in the business world, as many consider it too materialistic and competitive. Some of you may feel that you do not possess the mindset or skills to run a business, or be materially successful. That is why there are so many that feel unable to gather the courage to start a new venture, or feel weighed down and defeated from pressure.

Many of you often end up working for others, fueling other entrepreneurs’ dreams and being stifled and miserable because you simple can not see any other way. It does not have to be like this. You can start building a bridge between a spiritual and worldly world. There are many universal laws that women entrepreneurs can borrow from the spiritual world and utilize these to start laying the foundation of a successful entrepreneurial venture. In doing so, you will be able to create purpose, passion and prosperity for yourself and for others. Today I am giving you the top three universal laws that are crucial for creating success in your life and in your business. These are especially valuable for the woman entrepreneur that would like more understanding of how the universe works and would like to add her own creativity with it. These are three of the universal spiritual laws:

The Law of Abundance

The universe is governed by the Law of Abundance, it is the belief that the Universe possesses everything we need in plentiful amount: natural, material and immaterial resources. Our outer world is the reflection of our inner world: if we believe in scarcity, we would face scarcity.  However, if we start believing in cornucopia, success, overflowing wealth, then we would be able to attract it in our lives. Application of this spiritual principle in the business realm means the belief that we are entitled to our fair share in the material and immaterial things. It is a belief that there are plenty of financial opportunities and resources for every entrepreneur, including you.

The Law of Reciprocity

This spiritual law states that when you do something nice for someone, they are likely to think positively of you and return the favor in the future. This law has a special potential in the business realm. When you show a positive gesture to your customers, they would think of you in positive light and are likely to reciprocate with a positive gesture. However, you have to be sincere in your gesture, should exercise it with little or no expectations and should not attach any strings with it. If you are to use this law as a mere sales tactic, people are likely to sense this and it would make them become suspicious of you.

The Law of Cause and Effect

This principle states that everything in this universe has a cause and an effect. There is no standalone thought or action, no coincidences and accidents. A positive action will have a positive effect and a negative action or in action would have a negative effect or no effect. Thus, positive thoughts, good habits, consistent actions have positive effects, and they cause/create happiness, achievements, success, wealth, prosperity ultimately and vice versa. The law also states that if we continue to desire astonishing results without doing anything, then we will not achieve anything.  But if we study what others are doing to achieve wealth, success and fame and take similar actions, eventually we would begin to see similar results in our lives.

Just like the law of gravity, these laws are natural and powerful; however, none of these works overnight and would take time to manifest. If you apply them to your business, they would gradually help you create the results you want. My own life is an example of this. From a single, broke mom, surviving on coupons, crackers and state welfare, I initiated my first business at 25, went on to buy my first “good” car and my first home within a few years. I was personally able to turn around my life and change my fortune through embracing these natural Laws. My Abundance Breakthrough coaching teaches budding women entrepreneurs how they can apply the same principle to their own lives and attract success, money and fame.  Book a free; no strings attached assessment session with me today to see how I can empower you! You can get on my calendar by CLICKING HERE.