For an owner of a newly founded business, budget is usually tight and resources limited. And it’s quite tough to market your business on a shoestring budget. Every cent needs to be saved and stretched. Here are some creative and indirect marketing tips and tricks to get your business noticed:
Promote Your Business on Social Platforms
Start using popular social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Google + more actively for your business and begin feeling its presence. Also, use Pinterest and Instagram actively for posting images relevant to your business and get noticed.
Create Infographics
Infographics are a great way to consolidate information in a concise and visual form, which readers find easier to digest and share. So take help from a designer and create appealing infographics relevant to your business and post them on these platforms.
Conduct an Online Seminar, Workshop and Course
Conducting online seminars, webinars, workshops and courses is a great way to get your reputation established as an expert in your service niche. Market these courses on website, blog, social sites, and relevant forums and invite people to enroll. The more subscribers you have, the more chances there are to have them converted into eventual clients. Offer these courses free initially and then price them really low so as to attract more subscribers.
Generate Fresh Content for Your Site through Blogging
Generation of fresh, relevant and SEO incorporated content on your site is a surefire way to get your site noticed by Google and get featured prominently in its search results. Blogging is a great way to generate fresh content. But your content, just like your service, needs to be valuable and enriched in terms of information. Mere filler or garbage content won’t get you anywhere.
Provide Great Customer Service
Great customer service at all stages of the business is very important for all kinds of businesses. But it’s imperative for the budding entrepreneurs in the service industry niche. Most of the entrepreneurs don’t get beyond the ‘selling’ mindset. They don’t keep in touch with their customers beyond the purchase, or get in touch with them again only if something needs to be sold. Selling a service in an age of tough competition and higher expectations is hard, but cultivating a relationship is harder; nevertheless, it is an effort with rewards. Make an effort to let your customers know that you think about them often, keep in touch and thank them for their patronage from time to time.
Join hands with Other Entrepreneurs
Fellow entrepreneurs can be your allies and not just competition. Discover likeminded entrepreneurs on forums and connect with them. Find and select the right match for the kind of services you are selling. Ask them to promote you and do the same for them on your platform for a win/win situation.
With a bit of creativity and lots of help from social media, you can overcome budgetary constraints. Harness your creative and way forward thinking by attending the Abundance Breakthrough Session of Luci Mcmonagle. This life skills coach can help you reinvent yourself and your identity as an entrepreneur.