Transformational Insights by Luci
Change Your Mindset in 3 Basic Steps & Alter Your Life and Destiny!
It is a well-known concept that in life, attitude is everything. However, the practice is quite an opposite in the masses. We find it hard to change how we look at life, work, and relationships. It is a common feeling that despite our talent, dedication, and hard work, we are…
6 Points to Keep in Mind While Writing Business Emails
Rarely do entrepreneurs realize the power of a beautifully and effectively written email. Most people struggle at effective writing; they see email writing as a formality. However, an email is more than that! It is a medium with multiple possibilities, which you can use to reach out, make a great…
How to Start Your Own Business without Quitting Your Job
Most people think that you cannot start your own business without quitting your job first, or you have to wait for the moment when you can afford to let go of your regular jobs and then can finally start your business, so that you can give an absolute 100% to…
3 Ways to Attract Opportunities in Life
Most women and women entrepreneur are familiar with the scenario; waiting for opportunities to show up, waiting for your phone to ring with a query, an email to pop up in your inbox offering you a project, hoping that a team mate collaborates on a project. This means fewer opportunities…
5 Ways to Save More in Order to Launch Your First Entrepreneurial Venture
Saving is important at any stage in life. It’s a well known fact that personal savings are the most important source to fund startups. Even the giant Amazon was started by the savings Jeff Bezos’ parents put in the startup. Savings are needed to not only start a business…
How to Become Productive as an Entrepreneur and Get More Out of a Day
Shortage of time and maintaining productivity are two commonly faced concerns but they become a consistent challenge for budding entrepreneurs. All tasks suddenly become urgent, projects need to get done in time, a living has to be earned, networking has to be done to find new prospects, time for…
3 Ways to Harness the First Hour at Work and Set the Tone for the Rest of the Day
Every entrepreneur’s working style is different, some are morning persons, and some are night owls. Day or night, it is usually the first hour at work that is usually the most productive time in your work schedule. Unfortunately, when you are your own boss, you are answerable or accountable to…
6 New Ways to Market Your New Business on a Shoestring Budget
For an owner of a newly founded business, budget is usually tight and resources limited. And it’s quite tough to market your business on a shoestring budget. Every cent needs to be saved and stretched. Here are some creative and indirect marketing tips and tricks to get your business noticed:…
3 Reasons Why Every Woman Entrepreneur Needs to Make Time for Herself
Starting a new business is not easy and requires a lot of time, dedication, and energy. It’s not uncommon for budding entrepreneurs to put in as many as 20 hours and weekends into their new business. Most women entrepreneurs are guilty of working too hard, of putting themselves after everything…