(615) 763-LUCI [5824]

Transformational Insights by Luci


Rarely do entrepreneurs realize the power of a beautifully and effectively written email. Most people struggle at effective writing; they see email writing as a formality. However, an email is more than that! It is a medium with multiple possibilities, which you can use to reach out, make a great…

Most women and women entrepreneur are familiar with the scenario; waiting for opportunities to show up, waiting for your phone to ring with a query, an email to pop up in your inbox offering you a project, hoping that a team mate collaborates on a project. This means fewer opportunities…

For an owner of a newly founded business, budget is usually tight and resources limited. And it’s quite tough to market your business on a shoestring budget. Every cent needs to be saved and stretched. Here are some creative and indirect marketing tips and tricks to get your business noticed:…
