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Are you so over with the reincarnation cycle?

Have you been stuck in the crazy cycle of family dynamics?

Is Your Deja Vú is now Deja Hell!?

So, now you are saying, I am so done with this “School of Learning!”


You’ve finished playing all of the roles – victim, savior, martyr, heartbroken, etc. and want to cancel the Generational Pledges, Soul Contracts and other energetic entanglements that keep you stuck, reliving the same sad story again and again. Stories and patterns that hold you hostage in a perpetual state of getting burned in relationships?

DO YOU JUST WANT TO BREAK FREE? Click Here to Schedule your Freedom from Reincarnation Now!

Life does not have to be like this. You can have the patterns broken, the negative entanglements cleared and best of all, you can also get out of the Karmic Reincarnation Cycle along with it.

I have been training for this my entire life and I know how to release you from the Karma Demon & Karmic Debts, Soul Contracts, and Family Lineage / Generational ties all at once. Just imaging knowing that this is your last life you “have” to reincarnate here on Earth – how would you choose to spend your time? How much more happiness could you have and create?

You can have Release without Destruction: No need to torch your life to escape the karmic reincarnation labyrinth. I have decades of expertise untangle generational pledges, soul contracts, and ancestral entanglements—all in one fell swoop.

When I started this training and journey in the mid 1990’s – the only choices we had was to call all of our Karma due and call all of our soul contracts to us all at once. This unfortunately puts your life through hell and back before you come to the kingdom of heaven aka the great RELEASE of Reincarnation.

However, on 12/12 of 2012 all of that changed. I was at the Mecca Center for the Spiritual Awakening in Mount Shasta. Many others were at other Power Centers and the ritual for freedom was completed. It took 12 years for this powerful Awakening to be completed and now we can be freed from all of the trauma and finally end once and for all for those ready to be permanently released from the reincarnation cycle.

Since 12/12 – all of us have developed 12 major Chakra centers that are fully functional, some of us, like me, have developed up to 18 Chakra centers. This has awakened our 12 DNA and RNA sequences. This was needed in order to transcend heaven and earth – to be freed from the cycle of chaos – Freed from Reincarnation to experience the bliss of true Reincarnation Freedom. No longer entombed in this closed loop system to return again and again to play a different part, to forget all of our glory and power. To forget who we are and where we came from.

Now don’t get me wrong, there are millions of reasons why this reincarnation is so incredibly beautiful.

The Beauty: Reincarnation is a magnificent dance. We learn, evolve, and pirouette through lifetimes. But sometimes, we get stuck—like a scratched record playing the same sad tune. It’s time to change the track. However, some of us have lived every single incarnation that we could possibly have had and then some, but because of the loops of the energetics that those created we got stuck.

If you are ready to end this cycle. I am here to assist you. It’s your choice.

And you don’t even have to pay back bad karma from any past life you already lived. Now, you might be saying, what’s the catch — It’s simply, after you are cleared from all past negative Karma, you will have to work on building good karma only and most importantly, you can not willfully end your current life. This is because good karma does not require you to return again to pay back. And do you still not have to pay back any bad karma or have any entanglements with soul contracts or family lineages, you would create a new one that would void this if you would end your life willfully

I have been highly trained in removing, clearing and voiding negative karma, generational entanglements and soul contracts. I’ve also been installed with the sacred geometry matrixes that allow me to assist.

Now, after 30 plus years of preparation for my greatest work, I have the final energetic signature authorization for Total Reincarnation Freedom!

You can book a session with me for this at https://reincarnationfreedom.youcanbook.me/

Let us explore the path of liberation—a journey that transcends the cycle of reincarnation and leads us to our true cosmic home.

Step 1: Request Ancestral Release

Our ancestral lineage weaves through time, connecting us to countless souls who have walked this earthly plane. To break free from the karmic chains, we must first seek permission from our ancestors. In a quiet meditation, visualize a golden thread linking you to your forebears.

Step 2: Dissolving Generational Karma

Karma—the cosmic ledger of cause and effect—binds us to repetitive cycles. In the beginning we were assigned an entity that was to assist us to learn from the errors our Soul wanted us to learn. Throughout the centuries, this assignment became perverse and distorted. It created this never ending nightmare bond to this entity whom some even claim is a “Demon”. And in some ways, it could take on the much darker aspects of humanity. It is time to set it free, to return to the school of learning and enter into the light of bliss. This entity wants to be free from you as much as you want to be free from it. And it also needs guidance, hence, sending it to the School of Learning, will re-educate it and then return it to it’s own light free to evolve as it should.

Step 3: Unbinding Soul Contracts

Our souls engage in contracts—agreements made across lifetimes. These contracts shape our experiences and some have already been paid in full, yet we have them lingering in our fields.

Step 4: The Tunnel of Light

As your earthly vessel nears its end, resist the tunnel of light. This passage leads back to Earth’s embrace—a recycling of souls. Instead, turn around. Face the vastness beyond. Declare:

“Bring me home! I now end the cycle of Reincarnation here and now in totally satisfying, harmonious and perfect ways.”

And there, you shall find your true abode—a realm of light, love, and boundless expansion. Farewell, Reincarnation on Earth!

I can and will clear you with the first three steps, install the required sacred geometry into your energetic field and provide personalized instructions for you to ensure this is your last life on Earth if you so choose. Be sure to schedule our appointment now as my calendar has been getting full and I can not assure you will not have to wait for weeks if not months to book your session with me. You can schedule your session with me at https://reincarnationfreedom.youcanbook.me/