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I was interviewed by my good friend and coach Gina Sannasardo about “What’s Your Money Story?” last February 21, 2017. Gina is a Christian life coach that supports moms that are feeling stuck, lost, exhausted and can’t see the plan God created for them.

Have you ever wondered why you feel the way you do about money? It can often be difficult for women to ask for their worth. Have you every heard of a money story? This based on all the experiences you have accumulated in your lifetime to shape your frame of reference about money, value, and worth. Are you ready to look at yours?


[audio_player style=”1″ url=”http%3A%2F%2Fwww.blogtalkradio.com%2Flifecoachradionetwork%2F2017%2F02%2F21%2Fcoaches-gina-sannasardo-and-luci-mcmonagle-ask-whats-your-money-story.mp3″]