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The universe is full of different kinds of energies. In the ancient times, some great personalities who walked the face of the Earth were able to identify these energies and come up with different ways to manipulate them to their advantage. Over the years, they taught their secrets to people, moving the knowledge from one generation to the other. Today, thanks to the efforts of all of those individuals, we now possess a deeper understanding of these unseen auras. In a way, we are standing on the shoulders of the giants! However, with the increased noise of technology and skepticism, people are slowly forgetting what it means to channel their energies, to utilize their energies, and above all, how to protect their energies.

Every single day, we come into contact with a number of different energies, some of which include electromagnetic radiations, gravity (which is always acting on us), etc. Some of these energies are positive, while others don’t leave any significant impact on our lives. However, there are some energies which are spiritual in nature. If such energies are negative, they can disrupt our peace and slowly eat away on our happiness. And the scary part? All of this can happen to a person without them even realizing it in the first place. This is mainly due to lack of awareness. As a mystic entrepreneur, medium and psychic determined to help people and make the world a slightly better place, I feel that it is my responsibility to change things around.

For this reason, in this blog post, I will discuss a few ancient, tried-and-tested techniques that you can use to clear negative auras and protect your energy. I hope that by the end of this post, you would have learned about those psychic self-defense techniques and developed a far better understanding about this topic. Without any further ado, let us begin:

Best Practices to Clear Negative Auras & Defend Your Inner-Peace/Energy

There are quite a few practices for this purpose, with some requiring higher level of knowledge and certain gifts. For now, I’m just going to discuss the simpler ones. Do remember that it is completely okay to ask for help from a spiritual guru or a psychic:


The ancient Americans and some other civilizations have been practicing smudging for thousands of years. The concept of “smudging” revolves around burning special types of herbs for the purpose of “spiritual cleansing.” Some commonly used herbs for smudging include Cedar, Myrrh, Sage, Bayberry and Sweetgrass, among others. Be mindful of your choice of herbs (you can’t use just any herb for smudging.) The smoke generated by burning these special herbs has the ability to eliminate or dilute the particles and/or waves of the negative energy surrounding your house or workplace. The smoke literally absorbs the hurtful auras, similar to how modern-day air-fresheners absorb odors by killing bacteria.

Smudging is quite simple. Walk around your house or any room that you wish to “cleanse” with the burning herb in your hand. However, handle the herb with extreme care and make sure not to burn yourself or anything else inside the house.

Use Sea Salt

Salt is proven to have antimicrobial properties i.e. it has the power to fight germs. However, many are unaware of the fact that salt (sea salt, in particular) has the ability to fight off negative energies and entities that can disrupt our day-to-day lives.Salt is hygroscopic in nature, meaning that it can absorb moisture from the air. This same property of salt also lets it target and absorb bad energy waves that could be lurking nearby.

But, how can a person use sea salt to protect themselves from bad energies? Well, there are a number of ways how one can achieve that. For starters, you can fill small bowls with it and place it in different corners of your home or under your furniture. For a personalized effect, you may rub very small quantities of it on your body or add some into your bath tub.

Remove by Sweating

Sweating is one of the most natural functions of the human body. It is also proven to be a natural detoxification procedure, through which the body can get rid of toxins in a completely natural way. Through sweating, the human body is alsoable to get rid of negative energies and bad auras.

To remove bad auras through sweating, you can go for a jog, take a sauna bath or sit in a steam room.

Wear Amulets

Many people wear amulets for spiritual protection. And the best part? They make up for very attractive jewelry! Most amulets are made with special kinds of stones or metals, with some having special prayers inscribed onto them. You can wear them around your neck and protect yourself from any bad energy trying to dig its way into your life, your body, or your soul. You can also get it blessed by a spiritual person for added protection.

Ending Note

There comes a time when a person must take matters into their own hands and stop unseen entities and energy waves from harming their mental health and peace. Hopefully, by implementing the techniques discussed above, you would be able to protect your inner peace and harmony and prevent bad auras from affecting your life. All the best!