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Tarot Card Money Manifestation by Mary Cole

Tarot Card Money Manifestation by Mary Cole

The tarot is imbued with mystical energy, much like our beloved dollar bills. Calling on the energy of the tarot to generate wealth and abundance is your new secret to success. Whether you’re hoping for a lucky financial circumstance or aiming to save for your personal goals, the tarot can aid you in becoming affluent. Here are four money moves you can use the tarot to make happen and cards to align with your specific intentions.


Get Rich Quick
Sometimes you need money quickly. The Wheel of Fortune, 6 of Wands, and Knight of Pentacles have energy you can call on in a pinch to turn the tides of your financial situation around. These are the best tarot cards for when you want to make a little extra cash as soon as possible. Manifesting with the energy of these cards makes you an open channel for unforeseen, opportunistic money to come your way.

  • Wheel of Fortune: Reverse Your Financial Situation
    Money Motivation: The Wheel of Fortune is a good card to manifest with when you want to 180 your financial situation. If you have been down on your luck or struggling to get by, the Wheel of Fortune will bring the change you’ve been looking for to boost you back to the top.Manifestation: Get a piece of paper and place the Wheel of Fortune Card upside down on a table. Cut the paper into two pieces. On one piece write your current financial situation and on the other describe the financial situation you would like to have. Place the paper with your current situation below the upside-down WOF card and the paper with your ideal situation above. Next, you are going to envision your ideal financial situation and say out loud, “I know what is down must go up and I call on the Wheel of Fortune to bring me luck” as you spin it around 3 times, landing with the WOF card upright. You have successfully changed your fortune!
  • 6 of Wands: Reward for Talent and Quick Success
    Money Motivation: The 6 of Wands is best for manifesting being seen and valued for your talents. This energy will aid you in standing out for what you do and gaining the recognition you deserve. You will get a sudden boost in popularity and be financially rewarded for your recent work.Manifestation: Gather your 6 of Wands card and a piece of paper. Write down a list of all the things you’ve accomplished recently, or even better show the 6 of Wands. Speak to the card about what you’d like to be valued and compensated for. Mention that you’re seeking to be celebrated for your achievements. Light a candle in honor of this card and focus your intention as it burns. You will soon be rewarded for your talents!
  • Knight of Pentacles: Short-term Money Opportunity
    Money Motivation: The Knight of Pentacles energy will charge into your life and give you a short-term money making opportunity. It may not be your long-term position, but this gig will pay the bills in the meantime and give you the experience you need to take the next step when the time is right.Manifestation: Take your Knight of Pentacles and gather all your loose change. As you handle your different coins, think about money-making possibilities. Charge the coins with your intention of finding a short-term opportunity. Place the coins around the Knight of Pentacles and invite his energy to infuse your job search. Let him know what you’re looking for and soon you will manifest something that fits your life for right now.


Luxurious Lifestyle
When you want to create a life of opulent abundance, the tarot cards for you are the 9 of Pentacles, 9 of Cups, and Queen of Pentacles. These cards call into your life material satisfaction, prosperity, and luxury beyond your wildest imagination. Manifesting with the energy of these cards opens you to feel the sensation of being nourished by your wealth.


  • 9 of Pentacles: Feeling Your Wealth

Money Move: The 9 of Pentacles offers you wealth, abundance, and opulence. Call on the energy of this card when you want to feel bougie and luxurious. You will be called to cultivate fine taste in food and fashion as you are gifted with the experience of living the good life.

Manifestation: Put the 9 of Pentacles somewhere near your closet. When you get dressed each day, reflect on the feeling of wealth you want to create in your life. Use your clothes, jewelry, and make-up to express the life you feel you are meant to be living. By giving yourself the feeling of wealth internally, you will begin to manifest it financially too. Soon you will have the disposable income you’ve been preparing for!


  • 9 of Cups: Vision Board

Money Move: The 9 of Cups offers you material satisfaction that comes with ease. Just believing in your wealth will draw it to you with this card’s law of attraction energy. You will receive what you focus your attention on, making this the ultimate card of manifestation. Use this card to set intentions around wealth and trust it’s on the way.

Manifestation: A vision board is the best way to stay focused on your goals. Use the 9 of cups as a focal point in your vision board, indicating your happiness and satisfaction of receiving all that you intended to draw into your life. Fill the board with images that inspire you, bring joy, and represent you living your best life.

  • Queen of Pentacles: Money as a Form of Self-Care
    Money Move: The Queen of Pentacles is the woman who has her financial life to-get-ther! She is the ideal for women aiming to self-support, financially independent, and able to tend to all her needs. This energy is best for when you want to truly be thriving in your personal life: bills paid, affording your expensive amenities, and some left over for saving.Manifestation: Invoke the Queen of Pentacles in your life. Ask her to guide you and share her energy with you. You will notice yourself becoming more financially aware and abundant at the same time! It feels good to be queen.


Doors To New Opportunities
While seeking a long-term plan for manifesting money in your life, the best tarot cards to work with are the 10 of Pentacles, Ace of Pentacles, and Sun. These cards generate opportunities for financial success in your career and personal life. Manifesting with their energy teaches you about the value of money and how to use it for the good of the world.


  • 10 of Pentacles: Money for community and benefit of others

Money Move: The 10 of Pentacles is about sharing your wealth with others. This is a good card to use when you are aiming to accumulate wealth for the benefit of the people in your life, like your family or community organization. The energy of this card is immensely generous and giving.

Manifestation: This energy flows when you live by the idea that you get what you give. To bring good fortune your way, give it to another. Think of someone in your life who could use a pick-me-up present and send them something special. Your generosity will come back to you tenfold.

  • Ace of Pentacles: New long-term financial opportunities
    Money Move: The Ace of Pentacles is the ultimate wealth manifestation card. Its energy indicates a brand new path opening in your life that brings you to higher levels of financial success. Use this card for creating new employment paths, getting a raise, or discovering a bountiful investment opportunity.Manifestation: Since Pentacles are associated with the Earth element, it is good to ground money manifestations through connecting with nature. Write down your hopes, dreams, and ambitions while sitting with the Ace of Pentacles card. Then, go outside and dig a small hole near a tree that you see often. Plant your financial goals in the ground and trust they will sprout very soon.
  • Sun: Absolute Abundance
    Money Move: The Sun is the card of absolute abundance. This energy opens you to feeling radiant in your ability to manifest money. Use this card to be the confidence booster you need for personal success. It will ensure your dreams come true!Manifestation: This energy manifests best through creativity. Pick your medium: paint, clay, make-up, dance. The sky’s the limit and it should be authentic to you. Then engaged in your creative act with the intention of opening yourself to the confidence and success of the Sun. You will notice positivity and goodness infusing all your financial matters instantly.


Saving and Investing
Once you are making money, it is important to learn how to save and invest it wisely. The best tarot cards to assist you with financial discipline and savvy money decisions are the 4 of Pentacles, 7 of Pentacles, and King of Pentacles. These cards assist you in creating good daily money habits that lead to long-term financial abundance. Manifesting with their energy will give you a solid financial foundation that you can continue to build over time.

  • 4 of Pentacles: Budge management
    Money Move: The 4 of Pentacles is all about saving more and spending less. This energy will rein in your splurging and assist you in keeping your money in your own pocket. It offers you the gift of being more conservative in how you manage your resources in order for you to save.Manifestation: Place your 4 of Pentacles next to you while you create a budget you can stick to. Let the energy of the card prompt you to decide to hang on to more of your money and look at places you can cut expenses. You will be supremely satisfied by the bit of possessiveness the energy offers you to help you cut spend and start to save.
  • 7 of Pentacles: Daily Check In
    Money Move: The 7 of Pentacles is a good card to help you get into the routine of tending to your financial affairs. Keeping track of spending is an important part of saving and this energy will assist you in becoming more aware of how your daily spending habits are influencing your long-term wealth goals.Manifestation: Remember 7 days a week to connect with the 7 of Pentacles. During this week long daily check in, when you spend time inviting the patient energy of this card into your life, you are also going to be reviewing your purchasing habits. What you’ve discovered by the end of the week will transform your saving habits.

King of Pentacles: Long-Term Clarity
Money Move: The King of Pentacles teaches you to be conservative in your approach to money. This energy is good for planning for the future and making investments. It provides you with clarity about why you want the money and how to use it wisely.

Manifestation: Manifest the King of Pentacles energy into your life by writing him a letter. Describe to him exactly what you want the money for in your life and your current plans for saving it long-term. Call on his energy for assistance with your goals. Keep the letter for reference when you need to be reminded about our long-term focus.

This article was written by Mary Cole who is a tarot card reader who has had a close relationship with the spiritual world for decades. She sees tarot as a symbol of hope and understands it as a way to connect to our world in a deep, unique way. She now runs her own tarot site called 7Tarot (https://www.7tarot.com) and helps people find guidance through the wonderful world of tarot.