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Receiving Messages from Guardian Angels

Receiving Messages from Guardian Angels

In the intricate dance of life, we encounter myriad souls—some fleeting, others enduring. Friends, family, lovers, and even chance passersby—all leave their mark. But beyond the visible, there exists a realm where angels tread softly, weaving threads of guidance and protection. These ethereal beings, our Guardian Angels, watch over us, whispering unseen wisdom and nudging us toward goodness.

Not everyone is gifted with the ability to interact with guardian angels and other beings beyond the human realm. However, by knowing the things to focus on and the techniques to practice, anyone can develop this ability. It will take some time but by putting in consistent efforts and having a strong belief, you too can easily start receiving messages from your guardian angel. In this article, I will discuss all of that and more. So, if you are ready to connect with your divine bodyguard, then keep reading!

Connecting with Your Guardian Angel

The first thing that you have to do to start receiving messages from your guardian angel is to first establish a direct connection with them. This may sound simple at first, but it will require you to make some big efforts. Without further ado, here are the steps that you can take to connect with your protector:

  • Strengthen Your Belief in Them

There are many people across the globe, belonging to different cultures, who strongly believe in the existence of guardian angels. On the other hand, we have people who reject this belief. Finally, there are some people who lie in the middle, those who do believe in their existence to some extent but also tend to get skeptical at times. If you have made it this far in this blog post, there is a great chance that you either belong to the first or the third category.

Hence, the first step that you need to take is to ask yourself: “Do I REALLY believe in guardian angels?” You will instantly get your answer in the form of a faint voice coming from the inside. Angels are very shy beings. Therefore, if you want to connect with them, you must give them a reason to trust you. This trust can be established if you strengthen your belief in their existence. For this purpose, you can repeat sentences such as “O Angels, I acknowledge your existence” out loud whenever you are alone.

  • Try to Identify Your Guardian Angel

The next step in line is figuring out the identity of your guardian angel. You must be thinking, “how can I identify someone whom I’ve never even seen or interacted with in my whole life?” This is a valid question. And the answer is equally valid!

In order to identify your guardian angel, you must start looking for signs around you. Is there a specific name that keeps popping up every once in a while? For example, do you read or hear the name “Angelo” a lot? Chances are that your guardian angel’s name is just that. One can’t be 100% sure about this but by paying close attention, there is a very high chance that you can get your guardian angel’s identity right. Once you do, try to explicitly call them out by their name to establish a sense of intimacy.

  • Create an Altar for Them

If there’s one thing which angels absolutely love, it is respect and special treatment. They do not expect anything in return for their services because that’s what they have been created for and nothing else. But they get delighted and charmed if they receive special attention and love. Hence, by creating an altar for them, you will show them that you respect them enough to create a separate place to hang out and interact. This altar can be created anywhere – in a room, an open space such as your backyard or even your garage (provided that you always keep it clean since angels are pure beings)! You can then start meditating in this altar and even repeat your calls. Start all sessions with a pleasant greeting.

Interpreting Their Messages

After repeating all of the steps, you will eventually start to consciously receive messages from your guardian angels. These could come either in the form of intuition, dreams, or physical signs. To interpret those messages, follow these 2 simple tips:

  • Maintain a Journal

Every time you get a thought, dream or sign that you feel might be coming from your guardian angel, write it down on a journal. For example, if you see a white feather on your front porch, write down all the events that follow and identify those which you find strange. The next time you see a feather, you will be better prepared.

  • Experiment

Chances are that the “signs” you are seeing are not coming from your guardian angel. These could either be a random act of the universe or it could be coming from imposters (evil entities pretending to be guardian angels). To confirm, you need to act on those messages at first, see what happens, and then patiently wait. If the outcome is positive (in the long run), then you can rest easy because those messages are coming from your guardian angel.

Final Thoughts

Don’t be shy or afraid to connect with your guardian angel. They are the truest best friends that we can get in this life. It might seem difficult or even impossible to contact them but once you do, you will start to enjoy life from a new perspective.


Messages You Have Been Missing from Your Guardian Angel

Messages You Have Been Missing from Your Guardian Angel

Humans are gifted with eyes that allow us to behold the universe’s beauty in all its splendor. Yet, our vision remains limited, concealing certain phenomena and entities. Enter the spiritual realm—an invisible dimension teeming with magnificent creatures that defy imagination. These beings elude ordinary sight but can be sensed by those blessed with special gifts. Among them, your guardian angel stands out—a glorious being sent to Earth to protect and guide you throughout your life. Although unseen, they communicate with us, often surprising us with their presence.

Guardian angels play a multifaceted role beyond mere protection. As messengers, they bridge the gap between the spiritual and physical realms, delivering guidance, insights, and subtle signs. These celestial messengers communicate their presence through coins, feathers, or cloud formations and offer reassurance. It’s a beautiful reminder that we’re never truly alone on our life’s journey.

Messages from Your Guardian Angel

In this article, I’ll reveal messages we receive daily from our guardian angels—messages we often overlook due to our busy lives or limited perspective. By recognizing these signs and interpreting them, you can make wiser decisions and heed your divine partner’s advice.

1. Finding Coins in Unusual Places

Coins, mundane objects found in homes, often hide in sofa cushions, beneath beds, or within drawers. But occasionally, they appear in the oddest spots—like under pillows. While I don’t believe in tooth fairies, I firmly believe in guardian angels!

If you stumble upon a coin in an unexpected location, consider it a gift from your guardian angel. Coins symbolize exchange—the ability to acquire goods that sustain and enrich our lives. That mystery coin? It’s your angel’s way of expressing unwavering support, assuring you they’ve got your back, no matter what.

2. Noticing Shapes in the Clouds

Gazing at clouds, trying to discern shapes, seems whimsical. Yet, there’s deeper meaning here. Angels, unseen but powerful, manipulate matter—even clouds. They use this canvas to convey exciting news in advance.

Next time you look skyward and spot a cloud resembling an airplane, ship, or anything distinct, take note. Wait a few days and observe. Perhaps an unexpected vacation or opportunity awaits.

3. Finding a White Feather

White feathers—commonly left by angels—are subtle messengers. You might discover them on doorsteps, side tables, or other unexpected places. What do they signify? Hope, strong faith, protection, and reassurance. Imagine it as a friendly pat on the back or a comforting shoulder.

These ethereal feathers often appear to those grieving lost loved ones. They reassure us that our dear ones are happy, safe, and in a better place.

4. Receiving Unexpected Favors

Life’s lows visit us all. Unexpected challenges arise, leaving us disheartened. But sometimes, out of the blue, a favor arrives—a helping hand, a stroke of luck. These moments aren’t mere coincidence; they’re orchestrated by your guardian angel. Embrace them as signs that you’re not alone.

Remember, your unseen companion reaches out daily. Pay attention, and you’ll find their guidance woven into life’s fabric.