(615) 763-LUCI [5824]



Starting up a new business and keeping it afloat requires a persistent approach and enthusiasm, and not just chance and luck. Finding new clients and keeping the old ones engaged requires hard work and out-of-the-box strategies. However, in all the struggle to keep the setup running smoothly, you might be making any of these top 3 mistakes that may be end up holding you back from acquiring the ultimate success. Here I have highlighted the mistakes and the tactics to handle those to avoid any issues:

1st Mistake: Waiting For Clients to Come to You

You have recently started out your business, set up a cool website, added a shopping cart but are now sitting and wondering where the clients are.

Tactic: Leverage the Power of Social Media

Set up a business profile on Facebook, twitter, Pinterest and Instagram to promote your services through them. Connect with potential clients, find out about their lifestyle, needs, likes and connect with them in an intimate, one-on-one basis. Like their page and follow them.

2nd Mistake: Merely Answer Questions

You have received a few inquiries that didn’t materialize into anything. And you left them there.

Tactic: Pursue, Engage, Follow up   

If someone has been interested enough to walk in through the door, then it’s your job to make him/her stay and hang around for more. Engage with people who showed an interest but never purchased. Find out the reasons and try to give a tailor-made solution.

3rd Mistake: Sell Yourself Obviously and Shamelessly

You market your services all the time. If you are self-promoting and blowing your trumpet all the time, you are more likely to put off people.

Tactic: Sell Without Selling  

Don’t self-promote; rather be judiciously helpful. Ask people intelligent, perceptive questions or answer their questions. Make the others curious about you and what you have to offer. Let them see the relevance and value of your service.

Sometimes we self-sabotage ourselves through our misconceptions and missteps. These were the key tactics that helped me grow my business over the years, from double to quadruple. I hope this was helpful.

For more practical and empowering advice, keep a look out for my blog.