(615) 763-LUCI [5824]
Unleash Your Inner Light: Transformative Energy Healing with Luci McMonagle

Unleash Your Inner Light: Transformative Energy Healing with Luci McMonagle


In life, we form connections with people around us, which can be positive or negative. While positive connections invigorate us, negative ones drain our energy and hinder our progress. Toxic dynamics can leave us feeling depleted and disheartened. Here are seven signs that you may be entangled in negative energy cords:

1. Dread and Fatigue: When you think about certain individuals, you feel tired and anxious.

2. Depleted Energy: Interacting with others leaves you feeling drained and exhausted.

3. Persistent Malaise: You feel anxious and hopeless most of the time.

4. Obsessive Thoughts: You can’t stop thinking about a particular person.

5. Stalking Tendencies: You feel compelled to monitor their every move.

6. Imaginary Dialogues: You engage in imaginary conversations with them.

7. Emotional Reactivity: Their words evoke intense emotional responses.

If these signs resonate with you, it’s essential to sever these negative energy cords before they harm your well-being and progress. You can begin by visualizing the individual whose energy is impacting yours, embracing the emotions elicited by this connection, and envisioning the energy cord between you. You can then reweave the cord, transform its color from dull grey or ember red to luminous white, silver, or gold, suffusing it with healing energy.

Should the need for detachment arise, you can visualize the weakened, grey cord binding you to the individual and envision your chosen tool for severance. You can engage in this ritual multiple times daily until you experience the liberating sensation of freedom from harmful entanglements.

If you find this journey challenging, Luci McMonagle, a Multi-Dimensional Energy Healer, can help you reclaim control over your life. A transformative energy healing session with Luci will dissolve the barriers obstructing your path, allowing for the influx of abundance, joy, and fulfillment.

Embrace the power of positive energy, schedule your healing session with Luci McMonagle today, and illuminate the path to your brightest future!

How Your Chakras Can Help You?

How Your Chakras Can Help You?

Embark on a transformative journey as we delve into the intricate web of chakras, the ancient energy centers that form the backbone of our spiritual and physical vitality. Rooted in ancient wisdom and steeped in mysticism, the chakra system offers profound insights into the subtle energies that shape our existence.

Traditionally, the chakra system comprises seven primary energy centers, each associated with specific physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of our being. From the foundational Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine, to the ethereal Crown Chakra, situated at the crown of the head, these energy vortexes govern various aspects of our lives.

At the root of it all lies the Root Chakra, symbolizing our connection to the earth and our sense of stability and security. An imbalance in this chakra can manifest as physical ailments such as lower back pain or issues related to financial insecurity and a lack of grounding.

Moving up the energetic ladder, we encounter the Sacral Chakra, nestled just below the navel. This chakra governs our creativity, passion, and emotional well-being. When imbalanced, it may lead to issues such as reproductive problems, lack of creativity, or difficulty in expressing emotions.

Next in line is the Solar Plexus Chakra, located in the upper abdomen, which governs our sense of self-esteem, personal power, and confidence. Imbalances in this chakra may manifest as digestive issues, low self-esteem, or feelings of powerlessness.

Venturing further, we arrive at the Heart Chakra, the center of love, compassion, and emotional healing. An imbalanced Heart Chakra may result in heart-related ailments, respiratory issues, or difficulties in forming meaningful relationships.

Continuing our ascent, we reach the Throat Chakra, the seat of communication and self-expression. Imbalances in this chakra can lead to throat-related ailments, difficulty in speaking one’s truth, or a lack of assertiveness.

Moving upwards, we encounter the Third Eye Chakra, located between the eyebrows, which governs our intuition, perception, and spiritual awareness. An imbalanced Third Eye Chakra may manifest as headaches, vision problems, or a lack of clarity in decision-making.

Finally, we reach the Crown Chakra, situated at the top of the head, representing our connection to the divine and our higher consciousness. Imbalances in this chakra can result in issues such as depression, anxiety, or feelings of disconnection from the spiritual realm.

But fear not, for where there is imbalance, there is also the opportunity for healing and transformation. Through the guidance of Luci McMonagle, a beacon of light in the realm of energy healing, you will discover powerful techniques for restoring balance to your chakras and reclaiming your vitality.

From the ancient practice of meditation to the therapeutic use of chakra stones and affirmations, Luci offers a wealth of tools and insights to help you realign your energy centers and unlock your full potential. Join us on this illuminating journey and awaken to the boundless power of your inner energy.

7 Signs That You Have Toxic and Negative Energy Cords: How to Identify and Release Them Using Two Powerful Exercises

7 Signs That You Have Toxic and Negative Energy Cords: How to Identify and Release Them Using Two Powerful Exercises

In our daily interactions, we often form energetic connections with others, whether it’s in relationships or business dealings. These energy cords can either uplift us or drain us, depending on their nature. When these cords are positive, they nourish and empower us. However, negative energy cords can have detrimental effects, leaving us feeling depleted and disempowered. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the seven signs that indicate the presence of toxic energy cords in your life. Additionally, we’ll delve into two powerful exercises designed to help you identify and release these negative cords, restoring balance and harmony to your energy field.

Signs of Toxic and Negative Energy Cords:

  1. Overwhelming Dread and Fatigue: Do you experience a sense of dread or exhaustion when you think about certain individuals? This feeling of heaviness may indicate the presence of negative energy cords that drain your vitality.
  2. Depleted Energy Levels: Notice a persistent feeling of fatigue, especially after interacting with certain people? Negative energy cords can sap your energy, leaving you feeling drained and depleted.
  3. Chronic Anxiety and Depression: Are you plagued by constant feelings of anxiety and depression, even in the absence of external stressors? Negative energy cords can contribute to a state of emotional distress, manifesting as anxiety, depression, or both.
  4. Obsessive Thoughts and Stalking Tendencies: Do you find yourself unable to stop thinking about a particular person, constantly checking their social media profiles or seeking out information about them? These obsessive thoughts may indicate a strong energetic attachment that needs to be addressed.
  5. Imaginary Conversations and Emotional Reactivity: Have you ever found yourself engaging in imaginary conversations with someone, or reacting emotionally to their words or actions, even when they’re not present? These signs suggest that negative energy cords may be influencing your emotional state and behavior.
  6. Feeling Sick and Disturbed: Do interactions with certain individuals leave you feeling physically ill or emotionally disturbed? Negative energy cords can trigger a range of physical and emotional symptoms, including nausea, anger, and discomfort.
  7. Persistent Relationship Struggles: Do you find yourself facing recurring challenges in your relationships, both personal and professional? Negative energy cords can create a cycle of conflict and dysfunction, making it difficult to maintain healthy connections with others.

Two Powerful Exercises to Deal With Negative Energy Cords:

  1. Visualization Technique: Begin by visualizing the person or situation that is draining your energy. Imagine a cord connecting you to them, and visualize this cord as a tangible object, such as a rope or chain. Now, with focused intention, visualize yourself cutting this cord using a symbolic tool, such as scissors or a sword. As you sever the cord, imagine releasing all negative energy and reclaiming your vitality and autonomy.
  2. Energy Clearing Ritual: Create a sacred space for yourself and gather tools such as crystals, sage, or essential oils. Set your intention to clear any negative energy cords and create a protective barrier around yourself. Use your chosen tools to cleanse your energy field, focusing on areas where you feel particularly drained or imbalanced. As you engage in this ritual, visualize yourself surrounded by pure, radiant light, free from the influence of negative energy cords.

Conclusion: By recognizing the signs of toxic and negative energy cords in your life and practicing these powerful exercises, you can take proactive steps to reclaim your energy and restore balance to your being. Remember that self-care and energetic hygiene are essential components of holistic well-being. As you cultivate awareness and intentionality in your energy field, you empower yourself to create a life filled with vitality, joy, and authentic connection.

Beloved Declaration for Self Empowerment

Beloved Declaration for Self Empowerment

My Beloved,

I open myself to my Life Purpose and Path, and within this journey, I have discovered a love unlike any other. It is a love that begins with loving myself through and through, for there is no one else in this world as uniquely beautiful as I am. I have come to realize that I am valuable, precious, and rare, and I validate and acknowledge myself for all that I am.

In this love, I have found the power to communicate with clarity and compassion. Fearlessly, I speak my Truth with Love and Compassion, knowing that my voice holds immense strength. I express myself fully, recognizing the potential that lies within me, waiting to be unleashed. With each step I take, I am divinely inspired and guided towards the realization of my greatest dreams.

My love for myself has taught me to always act in my own best interest and honor the truth of my being. I have discovered my worth and know that I am deserving of all the love and abundance that the universe has to offer. I reclaim my truest self and embrace my Personal Power, knowing that it is through this empowerment that I bring forth my essence, shining brightly in this world.

I love myself through and through, from the depths of my being, for all that I am. My love expands, growing deeper with each passing day. My ancient sacred self is awakened, and I accentuate my unique I AM presence. I effortlessly draw forth my divine immortal self, and through my heart and face, my divinity shines.

In this state of love, I illuminate my true essence, realizing my own beauty and power. I am light, and I am bright, radiating my infinite sacred self to the world. With every word I speak and every action I take, I enhance and empower myself. I attune myself to the infinite abundance of the Universe, knowing that it is within my reach.

I empower myself with a golden pen and golden tongue, speaking the universal truth for the highest good of all. I open myself to my greatest and highest gifts, fully embracing my potential and allowing myself to receive all that is mine by divine right and Divine Selection. I open myself to my own good and to the luxury that life has to offer me. I welcome gifts, money, wealth, compliments, love, affection, warmth, health, beauty, homes, vehicles, jewelry, flowers, and my divine selection of a perfect mate(s) and riches into my life.

And as I receive these blessings, I activate my powers to help others open themselves to their own greatest and highest good. I understand that in helping others, I create an orchard of good, wealth, health, beauty, and riches in my own life. I pledge allegiance to myself with honor and integrity, embracing all that I am.

In this moment, I declare that all of this, or something even better, now manifests for me in totally satisfying and harmonious ways. I trust that it is done, and I am deeply and profoundly grateful for the love that I have found within myself. I thank the Universe for the abundant blessings bestowed upon me.

With all my love and gratitude,
Your Truest Self

How Luci can Help you get Rid of Negative Energy and Become Positive

A relationship without an understanding will never last. The real battle in holding relationships is typical when there is no empathy from either side. Believe it or not, the heart is one of the most powerful skills a person can have, even outside the fine confinements of a relationship. It much helps you maintain social order and cooperation between you and the other. 

Empathy permits individuals to comprehend and identify the feelings or situations through which their other half is going. It can be your wife, family members, or any friend. There are just too many levels for a relationship. But in all of these levels, regardless of the hierarchy, there has to be the sole concept of empathy for any class to succeed. Compassion is that essential precursor to closeness, trust, and belonging. It is also the power to comprehend and resonate with the other’s viewpoint, which is the main ingredient of understanding what the other person is going through and what needs to be done to address the situation. 

Empathic individuals experience copious benefits. It regularly supports altruistic behavior, and empathy-based kindness has appeared to expand collaboration and absolution, strengthen relationships, decline aggression and judgment, and has even improved mental and physical wellbeing.

It is an even more exciting find that more sociable individuals will, in general, be less mindful of the negative feelings in others. Why? They would be finding the reasons as to why those negative feelings exist and how to remove and replace them. Hence, this clearly shows how important a factor empathy plays in developing a healthy relationship. 

How to start? Practicing the critical parts of empathy can help you better comprehend and collaborate with individuals in your day-to-day existence. Here are some ways you too can develop empathetic relationships.  

1) Make Listening to a Priority. 

Before you can connect with what others are feeling, you have to recognize the feeling as well. For that to happen, listening is crucial to have. 

Let’s say an old buddy of yours calls you and needs to vent about how distressing work has been or how extreme things have been since their separation, that feeling of hurt in their tone would make you feel the torment or the level of stress they are going through. In this situation, you can do two things.

You can listen to your friend as they tell you about all the bad that has happened to them, or you can interrupt him and try to decree a hasty generalization and seem shallow. In both situations, the one you are listening to and trying to understand the condition’s severity would always be favored. It would make the other person feel at home and share with you in their genuine hurt and pain to aid them in their healing. All this is due to the high empathetic levels within you. 

Your feelings can represent how you perceive others and let them feel about themselves in such times of distress. The only way to succeed in handling this situation well is by being an active listener. When you know the complete story, you will stand at a better position to analyze all the loopholes and provide your friend with an answer that would greatly help them change themselves or their situation for the better. 

2) Share Feelings 

Once you recognize the feelings in someone else either by listening or some other method, empathy will put you in the shoes of the other person, and you would be able to think from their mindset. That is crucial as thinking from a different perspective than your own will provide you with the answers to the problem.

It will also help you find out the possible solutions which can prevent such issues in the future. Thus, this all would be possible if you can share feelings between one another. Just like a two-way communication process, empathy in relationships should also be a two-way method. 

The research recommended that we succeed at being empathetic under mirror neurons, or brain pathways that fire whether we encounter the boost or see another person experience it.

When the individuals become immersed in another person’s grief, sadness or bothering, this feeling of realization will not only stand next to them and console them with a greater understanding, it will additionally communicate something specific which they will be happy to take on in a union, so others don’t need to interfere and make it a tricky decision. Thus, if both sides’ feelings are communicated well, the development of relationships will be swift. 

3) Take Action and Offer Help

Taking action, this is often heard, but the story which is taken deviates from the meaning of these two words. You must first understand the level of problems and then decide to offer Help in addressing those issues.

The last step is to take action. Most times, people give an ear to half of the case and tend to be experts at the problem. They offer Help, but it is mostly not the Help the other person needs, which creates wrong issues on top of the already present issues. 

So, how to prevent that? By feeling someone else’s pain. That’s right! While it may enhance a sense of belonging and if understood well, it would maximize feedback from the one suffering. Once you suspect what the issues are, you can think of the Help you can provide and take the final action.

You can also try out these four ways to ensure that your understanding of the other person is optimum enough for you to reach a decision or aid them in any possible manner. 

  •      Have a conversation with others
  •      Notice body language cues
  •      Focus more on listening
  •      Take action

Now, you are more aware of how-to bring empathy in your daily walks of life. Luci can help you make sure you are ready to develop your relationships in the most healthier manner possible. She is an experienced clairvoyant who uses her years of expertise and experience to provide deep state relaxations. 

Now you can schedule a meeting with Luci. Using her abilities will take you to a deep state where you can boost your listening levels and develop practical, empathetic mechanisms.

Her exercises and approaches are going to make you build empathy much faster. So, if you are interested in knowing more about the ways you can make your empathetic levels supersede your rigid emotional mechanisms, reach out to Luci. 

You can book a consultation with her or reach her out via her website, email or phone number. Reach out to her and learn how she can help you develop better relationships by using empathy. Contact her now!



(615) 763- LUCI (5824)

How Luci can Help you get Rid of Negative Energy and Become Positive

In the universe, there is a lot of dark energy. The world has more dark energy than ordinary rays of hope and joy. In such a constricted array of energy waves, it is super hard to be optimistic and positive in life.

Negativity is something that kills you from the inside and limits the real potential to become something extraordinary in life or to live a life of purpose with positivity.

 It tangibly affects our wellbeing as well. Exploring deep into this, people have noticed that individuals who develop negative energy experience more pressure, extensive disorders, and fewer chances of success throughout their daily routines than the individuals who decide to experience positivity out of even a drastic situation by being empathic.

In times like these, figuring out how to dispose of negative energy can significantly affect your emotional and overall positive wellbeing. 

So how do we start on this journey of being positive? When you have decided to get positive about life and life, you will need to follow it consistently.

 Think of this all as a snowball effect. The negative energy as we discussed before is everywhere, so in each instance. It is going to accumulate and to stop that from happening. You will have to make sure this does not let the negative energy to form into a snowball. And how exactly can we do that? By turning out to be optimistic about things and restricting the negativity that we experience with some inspiration. 

Let’s talk about it in detail and find out about some ways to make life more positive. Here are some of the methods you can use to eliminate that negative energy and festive feel to live a happier life. 

Be Grateful for Everything 

Life is about us, and it should not be difficult to accept that we should be grateful for the blessings and opportunities we are given. Yes, there may be times of fall and defeat, but this all shall pass, and when it does, it will bring you more opportunities and the joyful moments you may have missed during your times of distress.

Instead of being stressed about life and its ways, one should look for the brighter things in life, something they would not know if it were not for these hardships or negativity.   

If you are someone that dampens their reality by the looming cloud of suffering and stress, which leads to negativity within and around, then it is highly likely for you to get caught in this trap of pessimism.

It is not getting stuck in this trap which is harmful but unable to leave it as the light at the end of the tunnel will be translucent. So, to make sure you are not stuck in the time loop of negative emotions and energy, you need to start bringing gratitude in your life for even the most challenging situation. 

The people who live in the negative energy are feeders of the positive energy as they try to dampen all the hope rays. These individuals are kicking and flapping as fast as they can to gain some positive energy to get their rush of life, and in those efforts, it gets hard for them to find patience and gratitude for the times they are in at that moment. 

However, when we invest our energy in being thankful and value everything in our lives, including the battles that improve us, we shift our attitude from one of need and dissatisfaction to appreciation and hope of a better tomorrow. This appreciation gets seen by others, and a positive concordance starts to shape in our connections.

It not only makes you shine with this newly found gush of positive vibes and energy, but the environment around you creates to eliminate the dark energy away from it.  

Help Others

Most of the time, negativity goes hand in hand with selfishness and heresy. Individuals who live for themselves have no higher purpose in their lives. Although this temporary satisfaction brings you the completeness for the time being, over time, this feeling of happiness turns itself into a hollow frame that cannot just get enough of the energy.

This leads to the same situation we talked above as the person restlessly searches for any strength and feeds off that. The whole passionate soul-searching system can be lower if you decide to do the opposite of your actions; to provide the others positive energy.

Yes, the positive aura of feeling others is too great of strength in both its purity and genuinity. Hence, this would help you find peace and positive energy while helping others feel great about themselves.  

Positivity accompanies purpose.

The most fundamental approach to make sure there are a reason and inspiration in your life, you can start with helping others. Start from baby steps. Please open the door for someone before you or maybe ask someone how their day was. There are just too many ways to make sure the other person provides his positive energy as you resonate with them at the same level. Helping other people will give you an elusive feeling of significant worth. This worthy feeling will convert into energy; the positive energy. 

There are many other ways to ensure maximum utilization of positive energy. Some of them are: 

  • Surrounding yourself with optimistic people
  • Taking time out for yourself
  • Doing activities, you love and laughing more.
  • Connecting with others socially

Each person has their ways to feel positive, and you have to find yours. If you are unsure of how to do that, Luci can help you. With her abilities and experience from years, she will relieve you from the negative aura surrounding you and is stuck. You are your inhabitant clairvoyant healer and a tarot priestess. 

For a lively purging meeting to leave you feeling lighter and completely loose from all the tears and fears, she will throw away that adverse energy holding inside you and replace it with the positive one to make you feel great about yourself. You are interested in knowing more about how Luci can help you? 

Book up an appointment with her to know more and let the journey of your positivity begin. If you have any other questions, you can contact Luci by visiting her website, through email or phone. Contact now to learn more about the proper techniques you need to incorporate in life and morph your negative energy into a positive environment for yourself and the others. 



(615) 763- LUCI (5824)