Starting a new business is not easy and requires a lot of time, dedication, and energy. It’s not uncommon for budding entrepreneurs to put in as many as 20 hours and weekends into their new business. Most women entrepreneurs are guilty of working too hard, of putting themselves after everything and everyone else. They feel guilty and paranoid about resting or vacationing and feel that the entire business may collapse when they are not there. This is the reason why they burn out faster as well and are more likely to quit. Here is why making time for yourself is important and how it can actually help you and your business:
Being Tired Doesn’t Help!
Working without a break for long stretches can build up fatigue and curb creativity. It impacts the quality of our life and work eventually. When we are tired, we are more likely to:
- Make Mistakes
- Miss Deadlines
- Respond Negatively To Clients And Prospects
- Fail To Notice And Capitalize On Opportunities
Remember, stress also manifests unhealthy habits and patterns like,
- Sleeping Late
- Binge Eating
- Compulsive Shopping
We can’t do our best work if we are constantly tired. The more relaxed we are, the more zest, energy, purpose and mindfulness we can add to our work and lives.
Identify What You Need; Then Go Ahead and Get It!
Identify what you need in order to relax and recharge your batteries. It doesn’t have to be exotic vacation always! It can be something as simple and basic as:
- Taking A Weekend Off
- Meeting A Few Friends For Coffee
- Going To A Spa
- Spending Time With Your Family
- Getting 6 Hours Of Sleep Instead Of Just 4
In fact, make a list of all the things that help you relax and start doing them one by one. Knowing what you want and doing it creates a feeling of empowerment in one’s life as well as business.
Plug The Energy Drains
We encounter several energy drains and clogs in a day. It can be small things like:
- Idle Chitchatting Online With Friends
- Constant Interruptions While You Are Working
- Attempting To Multitask
- Responding To Emails That Aren’t Even Urgent
- Getting Up To Make Coffee Several Times
Each energy drain takes you a mile away from the completion of your goal and deadline achievement. Do these:
- Work In An Isolated Room
- Set Your Messenger To ‘Away’ Or ‘Busy’ Status
- Stop The Urge To Check Your Email After Every 15 Minutes
- Curb Idle Browsing On The Internet
- Work Diligently For An Hour And Then Take A 15 Minutes Break
Being a workaholic sets a bad example for your team and a bad image of you and your business. For instance, how would it look if you are selling your services as a yoga instructor but you look tired and stress; or you claim to be a financial planner but your own finances are in disarray? Women entrepreneurs need to lead their business instead of becoming a slave to their routines. The only way to do so is to relax more often.
Have you been a slave to your routine? Are you a stress junkie? Let Luci McMonagle can help you create more freedom in your life and business.