(615) 763-LUCI [5824]


In an increasingly competitive world, customer satisfaction is necessary. However, smart entrepreneurial women understand that they need to more than that i.e., they have to delight and wow their customers in order to retain them in the long run. It is not just about delivering a great service but also making the whole experience of interacting with you pleasant, comfortable, fun, and delightful. Here are 3 reasons why you should focus on delighting your customers instead of just delivering the service:

3 Compelling Reasons to Delight Your Customers    

  • It gives customers a lot of confidence in you, your service, your business, and more importantly your values.
  • It helps in nurturing trust and a long-term relationship, as they begin to see you as a warm and thoughtful human being and not just a service provider with a means to an end approach.
  • Customers who have enjoyed the overall service experience are more likely to share it with their friends and family, which is an excellent way to get referrals.

5 Easy Ways to Delight and Wow Your Customers

Reply Personally

Take time to respond to each comment on your website or blog personally instead of a blanket, all inclusive generalized response to all the commentators. Address them with their names. Personalize the comments through statements like “great idea”, “I agree with…”, etc.

Hand Written Thank You Notes

Include a hand written and personally signed thank you note with your service deliverable or send one after the service is completed. A post service ‘thank you’ email is also nice but a hand written card helps you reduce the digital divide and gives you a warm persona.

Meaningful Social Connectivity

Connect with customers on popular social media platforms like twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. This doesn’t mean merely mean adding them and then forgetting about them but also liking, commenting, and re-tweeting their posts and shares with personalized comments.

Give Unexpected Bonuses and Discounts

Everyone knows and expects to receive a bonus at the time of purchase, but this type of bonus is somewhat expected with and conditional to the sale. So give a bonus instead, a small loyalty discount after the service as well, like at the time of a client’s birthday, Christmas and New Year. Any gesture or thing that is not expected is bound to create a surprisingly delightful experience. Don’t get in touch with them only when you have some new service to sell.