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3 Reasons Why Every Woman Entrepreneur Needs to Make Time for Herself

3 Reasons Why Every Woman Entrepreneur Needs to Make Time for Herself


Starting a new business is not easy and requires a lot of time, dedication, and energy. It’s not uncommon for budding entrepreneurs to put in as many as 20 hours and weekends into their new business. Most women entrepreneurs are guilty of working too hard, of putting themselves after everything and everyone else. They feel guilty and paranoid about resting or vacationing and feel that the entire business may collapse when they are not there.  This is the reason why they burn out faster as well and are more likely to quit. Here is why making time for yourself is important and how it can actually help you and your business:

Being Tired Doesn’t Help!

Working without a break for long stretches can build up fatigue and curb creativity. It impacts the quality of our life and work eventually. When we are tired, we are more likely to:

  • Make Mistakes
  • Miss Deadlines
  • Respond Negatively To Clients And Prospects
  • Fail To Notice And Capitalize On Opportunities

Remember, stress also manifests unhealthy habits and patterns like,

  • Sleeping Late
  • Binge Eating
  • Compulsive Shopping

We can’t do our best work if we are constantly tired. The more relaxed we are, the more zest, energy, purpose and mindfulness we can add to our work and lives.

Identify What You Need; Then Go Ahead and Get It!  

Identify what you need in order to relax and recharge your batteries. It doesn’t have to be exotic vacation always! It can be something as simple and basic as:

  • Taking A Weekend Off
  • Meeting A Few Friends For Coffee
  • Going To A Spa
  • Spending Time With Your Family
  • Getting 6 Hours Of Sleep Instead Of Just 4

In fact, make a list of all the things that help you relax and start doing them one by one. Knowing what you want and doing it creates a feeling of empowerment in one’s life as well as business.

Plug The Energy Drains
We encounter several energy drains and clogs in a day. It can be small things like:

  • Idle Chitchatting Online With Friends
  • Constant Interruptions While You Are Working
  • Attempting To Multitask
  • Responding To Emails That Aren’t Even Urgent
  • Getting Up To Make Coffee Several Times

Each energy drain takes you a mile away from the completion of your goal and deadline achievement. Do these:

  • Work In An Isolated Room
  • Set Your Messenger To ‘Away’ Or ‘Busy’ Status
  • Stop The Urge To Check Your Email After Every 15 Minutes
  • Curb Idle Browsing On The Internet
  • Work Diligently For An Hour And Then Take A 15 Minutes Break

Being a workaholic sets a bad example for your team and a bad image of you and your business. For instance, how would it look if you are selling your services as a yoga instructor but you look tired and stress; or you claim to be a financial planner but your own finances are in disarray?  Women entrepreneurs need to lead their business instead of becoming a slave to their routines. The only way to do so is to relax more often.

Have you been a slave to your routine? Are you a stress junkie? Let Luci McMonagle can help you create more freedom in your life and business.

Top 4 Home-Based Business Ideas for Women Entrepreneurs

Top 4 Home-Based Business Ideas for Women Entrepreneurs

TIPS 2 for Blog

Are you a stay-at-home mom and feel the need to support your husband financially, but don’t know how and where to start? If yes, then you’ve landed on the right page because this article will list down 4 entrepreneurial businesses that you can easily manage from your home. It does not matter if you are a mother of a 3-year-old or are expecting a baby, you can make your dream come true from home.


Tips for Challenges Fresh Women Entrepreneurs Have to Face In Business

Tips for Challenges Fresh Women Entrepreneurs Have to Face In Business

Tips for Challenges Fresh


The 20th century marks an extraordinary increase in women entrepreneurs. Even home based mothers stepped into the money making industry, offering services through online platforms. Quite a number of major enterprises in the world are now governed by women that are indisputably turning them into fastest growing businesses by coming up with annual income that is worth millions.

Where all of this progression encourages common women to embark their own journey in the business world, the businesswomen of today still have some important tips to offer regarding a few common issues newbie’s are likely to face.

Tip #1: Challenging Social Expectations

One of the hardest jobs for female entrepreneurs during business meetings is to face the male audience. In such scenarios, a woman automatically presumes that she has to carry a manly attitude in order to communicate or give speech among other male industrialists.

  • Do not adopt an aggressive, competitive, and stereotypical harsh attitude like men in order to survive between male executives. Create your own style in a feminine way. If you have the skill, you will definitely survive.
  • As a new businessperson, you should smart enough to know what questions would come up by your fellow businessmen once you are up on the stage.
  • Most importantly, make sure to introduce yourself confidently and make new connections with other elite business networks.
  • You should have a rock-solid business case backing you when you put your ideas in front of others.

Tip #2: Balancing Family with Work

Being a mom at home and a boss at office is very challenging, but there are many mothers who are successful businesswomen.

  • Be realistic in order to balance your work life with your family. Do not make promises you cannot keep. No matter how much time you are getting free, put it aside and dedicate it for your family only. When you finally get time with your family, keep yourself completely away from office work. This includes not checking emails and receiving business calls.
  • Startup entrepreneurial life is always challenging and slow paced. Communicate with your family and request them to be patient until you adjust yourself completely on the path you have chosen. Do not get frustrated and end up fighting, it will only make things worse.
  • Communication is a key to building trust and understanding. Therefore, you need to keep your family updated with your day-to-day struggle, ongoing project, mishaps, as well as your future goals.

Tip #3: Overcoming Self-Doubts

Naturally, women are more prone to think of failure in general than men. Most importantly, comparing oneself with men is one of the mistakes that women make in their business life. When you have doubt, make a habit of calculating and recalculating the scenario and demand.

  • Remember that success always comes when you learn through mistakes and failures. It is best to get rid of the products and plans that are not buying you any productivity.
  • Easy ways to ward off failure is by changing your strategies completely, and ask your team to come up with new ideas, better than your competitors.
  • Consult with your lawyer and business partners, if you have any, to make sure that you are not putting your business in danger again by taking things fast. Wait for the right moment to introduce your new policies.

Tip #4: Getting the Funds

  • A simple way of getting funds is by building great business plans and a working team to impress the investors. This might sound a bit clichéd but investors always dig for strategies that they find intriguing and groundbreaking.
  • Also, getting female investors to invest on your business is a great step too. A lot of female investors are ready to help other females to set their feet in the entrepreneur world, because they understand gender biasness like you.

Overall, in order to overcome any difficulty that you might face in the growth of your business, having faith in yourself and enough confidence to keep your head up right are a must for every woman.

5 Business Success Tips for Women Entrepreneur

5 Business Success Tips for Women Entrepreneur


Entrepreneurship is a great way to earn money, working from the premises of your household to being your own boss. You can set your work time and can take breaks in between if you want. More and more women are turning themselves to being an entrepreneur.

However, many of the women who are planning to start their own business, thinking it is a piece of cake. There are some business rules and tips that they need to know before starting their own business.

Everyone wants their business to reach the skies. How? Let us have a look.
