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Getting Psychic Readings? Remember to Avoid These 5 Mistakes!

The universe is a complex creation. Even to the ordinary eye, it seems extremely fascinating, despite not being completely visible. There are mysteries, hidden facets, and realms not heard of before, the existences of which are sadly still not accepted by the masses. The universe does not reveal its true form and secrets to everyone. Only those who have the gift of mediumship and manipulation of energy can completely comprehend its hidden powers. Fortunately, others can also take advantage of this gift and get psychic readings from the gifted lot to find the answers to life’s important questions, discover their true soul purpose and seek help from the spirits on their journey!

As a psychic medium, trained energy worker, and healer, it pains me to say that psychics have always been looked at with skepticism, even during the old times when the majority of people used to believe in their powers. In today’s modern world where our lives are consumed with technology and people have become far more skeptical of the supernatural, there aren’t many psychics left, either because they lost their gifts due to the noise of the world or are too afraid to use their abilities.

Thankfully, it’s not the end. There are people in the world who still believe in the power of mediumship, are aware of the hidden aspects of the universe, and respect the supernatural. If you too happen to be one of those people and are seeking answers to questions which can’t be answered by mere logic, then I invite you to book a session with me in which I will help you get unstuck, explain to you your soul purpose, balance your chakras, and offer you some additional assistance which will help you on your life’s journey! Click here for more details.

Meanwhile, in this article, I will share with you the 5 mistakes to avoid while visiting a psychic. Read on if you are about to get your psychic readings for the first time or share it with your friends if they are inclined toward the same!

Mistake #1 – Not Knowing What to Ask

People often visit psychics thinking that they have the ability to read minds. If we did, we’d be the richest people on the planet! In order to help, psychics need some initial help or a direction, to begin with. This is why the most common mistake most people make while visiting psychics is not preparing any questions. Avoiding this mistake will not only make the whole process much faster, but it will also enable the psychic to give you the exact and accurate answer you are looking for. List down the question(s) that you want to ask or at least make a list of things that have been bothering you lately.

Mistake #2 – Not Choosing Your Psychic Wisely

Like all professions, there are frauds and incompetent people involved in psychic readings. These people are the culprits behind the bad reputation of psychics. Some people make the mistake of choosing the person they go to without doing any research first. Moreover, there has to be an instant connection between you and your psychic. People who make this mistake don’t get the right answers and are, therefore, generally dissatisfied with their experience. Therefore, I highly advise that before spending your money on a psychic, you should conduct some research about them online. Check out their reviews and ratings, try contacting them to see if it clicks, and then make your decision.

Mistake #3 – Not Keeping an Open Mind

Another common mistake that most people make is paying psychics visits while expecting certain answers. My question to those people is, if you already have the answers to your questions, then why are you even bothering to visit a psychic?

When these people receive unexpected or unanticipated answers, they tend to get defensive or even lash out at their psychics. This is a huge problem which all psychics have to deal with. So, don’t make the mistake of thinking of your own answers and remember to keep an open mind while visiting your psychic.

Mistake #4 – Not Letting the Psychic Speak

While visiting a psychic and asking questions that have been bothering them, it’s common for people to get carried away. That’s when they start speaking non-stop, not letting their psychics do their jobs and answer their questions. You have to realize that the mediumship/psychic reading process takes time and you have to be patient while waiting for an answer. Avoid talking back at the psychic or being annoyed when you don’t receive your answers immediately and give them time to reflect on your situation and use their abilities to give you what you want.

Mistake #5 – Not Showing Respect to the Psychic

There are some skeptics who seek the help of psychics every now and then. However, because of their skepticism, they tend to lose control and start disrespecting the abilities of their psychics or disagreeing with their answers to their faces. Psychics work very hard to provide you with the assistance that you seek in life and their gifts should be taken seriously. So regardless of your beliefs, be considerate and try to be respectful towards them.

Ending Note

I hope that you are now better prepared for your next meeting with a psychic! Avoid making these mistakes and I guarantee that you will find all the answers and the help you need in this world. Don’t forget to book your session with me by clicking here.

How to Get Freedom from Bad Karma

How to Get Freedom from Bad Karma

Karma moves in two directions. If we act virtuously, the seed we plant will result in happiness. If we act non-virtuously, suffering results.”  – Sakyong Mipham

This simple notion behind karma is what makes it so beautiful yet terrifying at the same time. You reap what you sow – that’s the one, unquestionable truth of life. Throughout my life, I have witnessed many individuals wronging other people and have the exact or equal misfortune happen to them either immediately or after a few years. Being a law-abiding citizen of the universe, I always try my best to ensure that I do not hurt those around me, either intentionally or unintentionally. This is because I’m well aware of the wrath of the universe. And this is the exact reason why I’m always telling people to think at least twice before taking any decision!

That being said, we often hear stories about the sweetest of all people suffering from unfortunate events related to their health, career, or relationships among other things. Here, a question arises that if the universe always punishes those who wrong others, then why do the “good” people have to endure the hardships and tests of life? Or more specifically, why do bad things tend to happen to good people? The answer to that question is simple: the bad karma is literally programmed in their lives! What this simply means is that the wounds of the past, inflicted or suffered by their ancestors, are the reasons why such people find themselves on the bad side of karma, despite not having harmed a single soul in their entire lives. At first, it doesn’t seem fair that they have to pay for the mistakes of their ancestors. But you have to realize that, sooner or later, if we don’t take action, the universe restores its balance by itself and it doesn’t matter who or what is at the receiving end of that restoration.

If you are one of the people who are affected by the actions of their ancestors, then don’t be afraid – fortunately, there are certain tips and techniques using which you can get rid of your pre-programmed bad karma. And I can assist you! As an expert Karma Clearer and Remover of Negative Family Patterns, I help people lead a life full of happiness and free from all sorts of anxiety, stress, and depression.

Meanwhile, in this article, I will share some of the many tips to help you get started with your bad karma-clearing journey. Let’s begin!

  • Pinpoint What Karma is Doing to You

The first and foremost thing that you must do is to identify or “pinpoint” exactly how bad karma is affecting your life. Are you feeling stuck in your career? Do you feel less healthy every morning? Or have you started experiencing a shortage of wealth lately? It all depends on what your ancestors did. The circumstances and hardships being faced by all individuals are unique in nature. Therefore, to get rid of the problem at the roots, you first have to revert to its original source or identify what it really is.

  • Cut off Toxic People from Your Life

Toxic relationships can drain the happiness right out of a person’s life. Chances are that the sadness, anxiety, and blockages that you are experiencing in your life aren’t resulting from you being on the bad side of karma but simply because of certain individuals in your life. On the other hand, those people being a part of your life could be a result of bad karma. You can’t really be 100% sure which one it is, however, what you can do is to sever all ties with those people. By doing so, you would not only be doing yourself a favor but you MIGHT also be getting rid of what the universe has cursed you with.

  • Give Something Back to the Universe

If cutting off toxic people doesn’t change your life around, then perhaps it’s time that you took things to the next level. How? By doing something that will please the powers of the universe and lift the curse of bad karma that has been running in your family. As I mentioned above, the universe tends to restore balance by itself. However, to avoid being on the bad side of this balancing process, you could do an act of kindness and basically tell the universe that you are ready to change and no longer deserve to pay for the mistakes of your ancestors.

  • Learn to Forgive and Forget

Another great way of healing bad karma is learning to forgive others for their mistakes. After all, isn’t that what you really want from the universe? Forgiveness for your mistakes and the mistakes of the previous generations? By forgiving other people, you not only set examples for those around you, but also give the universe a good reason to bless you with the same thing in return. So, the next time someone does something wrong, be quick to forgive and forget to restore the balance. Maybe… just maybe, the universe will do the same for you.

To Conclude…

To summarize everything discussed above: Whatever you do in life, whether good or bad, will result in punishment or reward. These results can have effects that could last for generations. So learn to forgive, be more aware of your actions, cut off toxic relationships, and do an act of kindness every day to contribute towards making life better for yourself and those around you.

Embrace the Balance of the Universe and Your Inner Self

Embrace the Balance of the Universe and Your Inner Self

Embrace the Balance of the Universe and Your Inner Self

The universe operates in perfect balance. Planets revolve around their stars in harmonious orbits, and the sun rises and sets without clashing with the moon. Every element follows a defined path to maintain this harmony. Similarly, our lives require a balance that, when disrupted, can throw us off course.

In our fast-paced lives, the noise and chaos can disturb our internal balance, making daily tasks challenging. To overcome this, we must periodically assess and restore our inner equilibrium to feel centered and in control.

What Does it Mean to Feel Centered?

Feeling centered transcends physical balance and touches the spiritual aspects of our existence. In my weekly Spiritual Awakening classes at Wellspring Metaphysical Book Store, AZ, I explore this concept in-depth. Being centered helps you manage your life better, focus on what truly matters, and appreciate life’s blessings. If you’ve been feeling lost, keep reading for tips and techniques to regain control and find your center.

Release Tension with Deep Breathing

Often, the solution to our stress is as simple as breathing deeply. Practicing deep breathing can release built-up tension, normalize your heart rate, and help you feel calmer. Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth, ensuring your exhales are longer than your inhales.

Try Doing “Less”

When overwhelmed, doing less might seem counterproductive, but it’s essential for restoring balance. Instead of succumbing to pressure, take breaks and relax. By doing less, you often achieve more as you avoid stress-induced inefficiencies.

Think About the Things/People You Love

Spending time with loved ones can make you feel grounded and more at home. During stressful times, focus on your family, friends, or pets to reconnect with what truly matters.

Perform a “System Check” of Your Senses

Take a moment to check in with your senses. Relax and ask yourself how your eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin are perceiving the world. This mindfulness exercise can help you feel more centered and in tune with your environment.

Meditate to Block Out External Noise

Meditation is a powerful tool for finding inner balance. Sit alone in a quiet space, close your eyes, and breathe deeply. This practice can help you detach from external noise and reconnect with your inner peace.


It’s normal to feel unbalanced at times, but it’s crucial to take steps to regain your center. By incorporating these techniques into your routine, you can restore your inner harmony and stay on your true path. All the best on your journey to balance and peace!