The concept of Karma has originated from Buddhism and Hinduism, with it basically referring to the impact our actions will have on our own life. The strength of karma is such that you don’t have to be a Hindu or a Buddhist to actually understand the significance, as it impacts each and every one of us, often affecting us several years after the situation, which has led to the current action. Interestingly, ancestral karma also exists- which refers to the consequences which we may face owing to the actions of our ancestors.
Why Ancestral Karma Is a Real Thing
People often argue about the authenticity of ancestral karma, and how someone else’s experiences or actions shouldn’t be affecting us in this life. However, even a layman knows the role our genes play in shaping an individual- physically and mentally. Something called our genetic memory is basically responsible for the way ancestral karma works.
The experiences of your ancestors and their reaction to it are embedded in your DNA. This also applies to their behaviors and their coping mechanisms- which then accounts for the way you behave in a certain situation.
The Bad of Ancestral Karma
Ancestral karma can impact your life in several ways. To begin with, it could lead to you adopting negative behavioral patterns such as excessive aggressiveness, violence, or being toxic in your relationships. This occurs because your ancestors also dealt with their life situations in this manner, and you never learned to disassociate from this behavior.
Ancestral karma can also lead to serious consequences such as anxiety or depressive disorders, which originate from an excessive amount of stress which was faced by your ancestors- ultimately remodeling your DNA. Owing to this, their stress reactions have now become yours.
The Good of Ancestral Karma
Some may believe that there is no good in ancestral karma, but this isn’t the case. To begin with, once you identify your ancestral karma, you can work to become a better human being and live life to the fullest.
For example, someone who realizes that their aggressive behavior is a family trait, they can get to the bottom of why this is so- and then deal with it adequately. This also ensures that future generations don’t have to deal with such karma as well. Our ancestral karma affects our lives in more ways than one, something which must be addressed instead of ignored.