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There are many people who don’t believe in ancestral and generational patterns, and their influence on their lives. They think that it’s all about the here and now. Are you one of them? Then what is that pull and link to the past you feel, that misery when you are starting something new but end up getting stuck in the same pattern, and you are told by an elderly relative that he/she is seeing history reliving itself through you? It’s your DNA’s memory making itself felt and heard through you. If there were tragedies, pains, and unresolved issues in your ancestors’ lives, like debts, bankruptcy, poverty, addiction, domestic violence, and depression, then they would keep echoing in your life too…disrupting the harmony and productivity. That’s why cleansing and healing of ancestral and generational patterns is very important. Here are 6 solid steps you can start taking from today onwards to achieve this:

Forgive Your Ancestors for Their Mistakes

Forgive your ancestors for their mistakes. Forgive old enemies, bury the hatchet. Move on!  Most people get so stuck in their negative ancestral patterns that they refuse to budge away from them and keep using them as an excuse to hold themselves back from life. This is the most negative thing, and a debilitating factor in your personal progress.  If I kept blaming my mother and step father for their mistakes, I wouldn’t have been able to be where I am standing today. I realized their self-limiting beliefs, separated myself from their influence, moved on and moved forward.

Change the Way You Think of the Past

Whatever has happened in your past, in the lives of your ancestors, can’t be changed in its entirety but can be rewritten, rewired, and re-plugged. Take the example of Oprah: her mother was an absent figure. But do you hear Oprah dwelling on her too much? No, she talks more about her father and how he encouraged her to read, the parent figure in her life, her grandmother and how she took care of her. Just like her, recall the small positivity buried in the negativities, and keep repeating them until they become your new reality.

Open Your Mind

Given their circumstances, your ancestors didn’t know any better, but in the age of greater enlightenment, resources, possibilities and options, you know better than your ancestors. You are much well equipped and resource rich in order to bring a change in your life and of others. Change your ancestral mindset through reading motivational articles, books, undertaking courses, and attending motivational events. Evolve newer patterns by applying the learning to your life.


Create an energy loop: Imagine that you and your ancestors are standing in a circle. There have been past burdens, old unfinished businesses, wounds, hurt, guilt, and shame. Their energy has been flowing into you and it has been dim. Now you are reversing this energy exchange process, shifting it from a higher plane, i.e., through you to them. You are creating wholeness and wholesomeness. The light is brighter and shinning through you into them.

Use Affirmations  

Set aside a few minutes every day to practice positive affirmations. Incorporate them into your daily routine like practicing them when you are brushing your teeth, making your coffee, looking in the mirror to apply makeup. Send loving messages to yourself and your ancestors like: So and so…. I stand in your shadow but I stand taller and brighter. I forgive you; I love you; I am sending my love to you. Positive affirmations comprise of positive words, so they create high vibration energy that can calibrate and reverberate through your ancestral lineage, and heal and mend it.

Create a Legacy

When you take upon the task to transform your lineage, you are changing the shape of things to come for your next generation, your children. You are setting better precedence and standards for your children to follow. I myself have been a small town hick, just like my mother and grandmother and other women in my generation. Yet I wanted to do something better, and so, I moved to the big city and worked my way up. Therefore, my work, passion, and business are my legacies, meant for my son.

As a Mystic Wealth Creator, I believe women entrepreneurs need to reset the stage and create the right circumstances and conditions for their personal and professional success. Are you grappling with some unresolved business from the past, feeling stuck in a negative ancestral pattern and vortex that is not your making but a generational issue? Then a generational clearing, blessing, and healing session is what you exactly need: Please visit https://clearing.youcanbook.me/